Safeguarding & Protection Information

Club Safeguarding Information:
If you have any questions about Ballinascreen’s safeguarding policies, please contact one of the committee members below.


Chairperson: Mickey Boyle 07843602385
Children’s Officer: Shauna McNicholl 0799067484
Designated Liaison Person: Kieran Henry 07833727365
Outside Agencies Contact Details:

If you have concerns about a child and want to speak to a professional, please contact the local HSC. If you believe that a child or young person is at immediate risk, please report to the police service as a 999 emergency. Please see contact details below:

Northern HSC Trust 0300 123 4333

Out of Hours Duty Social Worker 028 9504 9999

NSPCC Counsellor free phone 0808 800 5000

GAA Policies: